for a YOU TUBE VIDEO featuring Geert Wilders - Go to http://www.geertwilders.nl/
Geert Wilders news round-up
donderdag, 19 februari 2009
Newsweek: Geert Wilders is coming to America
FrontPage Magazine - Banning Wilders
Geert Wilders intends to appeal ban
woensdag, 18 februari 2009
In a debate in the Dutch parliament today, Geert Wilders called on the Dutch government to demand from their British colleagues that the ban on him travelling to the United Kingdom be rescinded. The Freedom Party chairman feels that up to now the Dutch government has only been going through the motions in protesting the ban.
He also announced that he refuses to accept the ban and plans to fight it. "I will appeal that cowardly decision,'' Wilders said. "I will fight it, even though it will be a long struggle.''
Geert Wilders’ Trial: Who Will be Next?
woensdag, 18 februari 2009
Another insightful story by the Canadian journalist Harry Antonides. This one deals with the decision by an Amsterdam court to prosecute Geert Wilders.
Geert Wilders: Provocateur or Truth Teller
woensdag, 18 februari 2009
The Canadian journalist Harry Antonides has written the following story on Geert Wilders.
Geert Wilders news round-up
dinsdag, 17 februari 2009
CBN: Geert Wilders' Party Explodes after Expulsion (Video)
BBC Radio 4: The Choice - Geert WildersWSJ Europe: Britain's Surrender to Islamists
National Post: Britain re-visits appeasement
Geert Wilders is a test for Western civilization
dinsdag, 17 februari 2009
In his Wall Street Journal "Global View" column on foreign affairs, Bret Stephens takes on the British government's decision last week to ban Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders from British soil as an "undesirable person." Citing the controversies, twenty years ago, surrounding the artist Andres Serrano and the novelist Salman Rushdie, he argues that Wilders' travails present a test for both liberals and conservatives.
Bat Yeor speaks out on Wilders ban
maandag, 16 februari 2009
On the National Review website Bat Yeor has spoken out on Geert Wilders being banned from Britain as well as being prosecuted for insulting Muslims in The Netherlands. She wonders since when defending Western values constitutes “inciting hatred", and contends that Geert Wilders is the latest victim of a consolidated effort by the Organization of the Islamic Conference to silence criticism of Islam.
Geert Wilders news round-up
maandag, 16 februari 2009
News of the World - PC cowards need to Geert a grip!
The Sunday Sun - MP Geert Wilders victim of extremist prejudice
The Times Online - Labour bares its appeaser’s teeth to unbending Muslims
The Independent - Joan Smith: Free speech has to be for all, Home Secretary
Pajamas Media - Why Britain Should Never Have Banned Geert Wilders
The Telegraph - Banned politician Geert Wilders brands Gordon Brown a coward
Jihad Watch - Britain’s Muslim peer crows over barring of Wilders from country
Shouting fire in a theatre
zondag, 15 februari 2009
Watch a video montage from UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) about the controversy surrounding Geert Wilders being banned from entering the UK in order to attend a showing of his movie Fitna in the House of Lords.
Geert Wilders news round-up
maandag, 16 februari 2009
Atlas Shrugs - Wilders to recieve Oriana Fallaci free speech award for Fitna in Italy
Diane West - Lord West of Spithead Should Be Ashamed of Himself
The Telegraph - If Geert Wilders is denied entry to Britain, what of those who oppress Christians?
NRC Handelsblad - Dutch Protest Muted in Latest Wilders Scandal
Radio Netherlands Worldwide - PM lodges protest over UK’s MP ban
Haaretz - Dutch lawmaker banned from U.K. to take anti-Koran film on ‘world tour’
The Scotsman - Dutch MP’s ban a blow to freedom of speech
The Daily Mail - Analysis: Geert Wilders, the bouffant-haired Dutch liberal who turned hardliner
The Telegraph - Banning Wilders plays into the hands of our Islamist enemies
Pat Condell on the Geert Wilders ban
Geert Wilders news round-up
The speech Geert Wilders would have given
Whatever happened to free speech?
Audio - Geert Wilders interviewed by BBC
Sky News item on Geert Wilders ban
Geert Wilders detained at Heathrow Airport
Daily Mail readers critical of British government
Channel 4 report on Wilders travel ban
Wilders disappointed by appeasement policies