from"[Finnish Islamic Party head Abdullah] Tami believes Sharia Law has gained a negative image, but says that it could prove beneficial for both Muslims and non-Muslims."
"Government knows best" meets "Allah knows best," and the latter knows no term limits. "Muslims find refuge in Finland," from
Russia Today, December 19:
Although the thousands of those seeking refuge inthe country have only one official mosque to share, few complain about their new lives.
The history of the Muslim community of Finland dates back to the 19th century when the country was under Russian imperial rule. Tartar muslims from Russia were the first to make their home in the Nordic country.
Since that time the population has grown to fourty thousand, with most coming into the country seeking asylum.
Mohammed al-Hello, who moved to Finland twelve years ago from Baghdad, at first found it quite difficult getting used to his new home.
"What I miss about the lifestyle in Iraq is the communication between people," said al-Hello.
Even native Finns are embracing Islam. Abdullah Tami heads the Finnish Islamic Party and has hopes to gain a foothold in elections in 2011. His party's platform consists of more emphasis on social and green issues, not joining NATO and imposing Sharia Law, which is the legal framework of Islam.
Tami believes Sharia Law has gained a negative image, but says that it could prove beneficial for both Muslims and non-Muslims.
"We are explaining the fundamnetals [sic] of Sharia law and how it can work within the Finnish community - it is not about stoning and flogging solely - it's about simplifying - a Sharia law-led banking system, dealing with promiscuity, for instance as Finland has one of the highest rates of sex outside of marriage," said Tami.
Finland's one official Mosque equals the amount of Islamic teachers. However, according to the Finnish Islamic Council, more and more are undergoing training like Leban Yahye Ibrahim.
"I've seen many muslim youths, Arab, Somalis, Africans, who really need someone who is their age, who knows Islam well," said Ibrahim. "We need more people like me training up - I'm young and understand youth here."
Those who have just arrived here say they notice that life is quieter and very different to the country of their birth but say they have finally found peace here, and want to make it their home.Posted by Marisol at December 19, 2008 11:26 AM
Print this entry Email this entry Digg this del.icio.usHugh Fitzgerald of Jihad Watch has this to say about the Finnish folly:Two things in the article above cry out for comment:
"Since that time the population has grown to fourty [sic] thousand, with most coming into the country seeking asylum."
"Asylum" from what? Muslims fleeing from Muslim countries? Why do they need asylum? Explain what the word "asylum" means. Only Christians and Jews and Hindus and Buddhists and other non-Muslims require "asylum" from Muslim countries. Muslims don't. If there is economic backwardness, if there is political despotism and warlordism, if there is a mess - that's what Islam brings. That comes with the package of Islam. No Muslim needs to be given "asylum" from what can be attributed to Islam itself. Otherwise half the population of the Muslim world would be entitled to "asylum" in the advanced, non-Muslim West.
"Those who have just arrived here say they notice that life is quieter and very different to the country of their birth but say they have finally found peace here, and want to make it their home."
"They have finally found peace here" in the place they "want to make...their home" but they fail utterly to realize that what they are fleeing is Islam itself, and its natural consequences. And what they find -- that "peace" -- is the result of the steady buildup over time of the advanced nation-states of the West, entirely by non-Muslims, and with advances, political, economic, social, intellectual, and moral -- impossible under Islam. People fleeing the Nazis or the Communists, who found "peace" in, for example, the United States, knew exactly what they were fleeing and would never have worked, once in the United States, to further Nazism or Communism. It was that which they detested. But Muslims fleeing the chaos and wretchednees of Muslim-dominated lands do not recognize the fact, cannot allow themselves to recognize the fact, even as they take every advantage of what Infidel nation-states offer them, that it is Islam itself that they actually fled, Islam that explains the miseries that they are attempting to avoid. The hostility, the aggression, even the noisiness of Muslim life (where everyone speaks to everyone else in voices far louder than anywhere in the non-Muslim world -- it is the constant din, the constant hysterical screaming, that most impresses an Infidel visitor to Muslim lands), the inshallah-fatalism, the inability to recognize the rights of others, but non-Muslim peoples (a real inability, a deep intellectual and moral lapse or paralysis) -- all this comes from Islam, and it is all this that they bring with them and seek, whether in the first generation, or later generations, to spread and impose on non-Muslim states into which they have been allowed to come, and to settle deep within.
It's an extraordinary thing. Muslims themselves, save for a handful -- the handful who become apostates -- can never allow themselves to recognize what Islam itself causes, and so they work to bring about the very conditions that they have fled from.
It is up to the Infidels to understand this, and to act to protect themselves. The time for sentimentality, for thinking that Muslims are simply "humans in distress" and can be allowed into Western lands, should have passed long ago. No more should be allowed into Western countries, and those there should be discouraged, at every step, from remaining -- if, that is, they insist on continuing to believe in Islam, and in what the Qur'an, the Hadith, and the Sira naturally inculcate. Begin by cutting off all that Saudi and other outside Arab money that pays for mosques and madrasas. End all government support for those who violate the law -- for example, by continuing to practice polygamy. Make the acquisition of citizenship dependent on a deep knowledge of the culture, the history, the legal and political institutions, of the Infidel nation-state, and require an oath of loyalty to those legal and political institutions. Make sure that perjury in the swearing of such an oath will be grounds for being stripped of that citizenship, which is a great privilege. And work to immunize the Infidels against the spread of Islam by educating them as to what it is, a collectivist Total Belief-System, with a clear politics and geopolitics, that imposes the duty of Jihad on all Muslims -- the duty, that is, to remove all obstacles to the spread, and then the dominance, of Islam everywhere in the world. Make sure that Infidels understand how Islam discourages free and skeptical inquiry, forbids most forms of artistic expression, promotes the habit of mental submission -- in other words, stunts moral and mental growth, in a hundred different ways.
This can be done. It is not impossible, and it is far more important, to the survival of the West, and the turning back of the menace of Islam, than whatever "freedom" or "prosperity" or some such naive goal, is worked for, at such colossal and hopeless expense, in Iraq, in Afghanistan. Muslim states are always and everywhere, to the extent that they take Islam seriously, going to be "failed states." Let them be "failed states." Just minimize Infidel efforts to prevent Muslims from having to endure, and then ultimately to recognize, the failures that are a result of Islam itself. In Dar al-Islam, and in Dar al-Harb, where so many arrive, delighted with the peace and safety of an advanced non-Muslim state, but still, bringing with them, and clinging to, the Islam that is part of their mental baggage.
Posted by: Hugh at
December 19, 2008 11:57 AMCOMMENTS by Jihad Watch readers can be found at